Veterinary Clinic

Consulting Hours
Monday to Friday - 8:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
You can book an appointment by contact
[email protected] or [email protected] or 7198 2200

The NAQIA Veterinary Clinic offers boarding facilities for all animals, and will assist with re-homing animals when owners can no longer take care of them. All cats and dogs offered for adoption by the RSPCA are de-sexed, vaccinated and treated for internal and external parasites.

Since resuming responsibility for the operations of the Veterinary Clinic in July 2002, the RSPCA has received tremendous assistance and support from other RSPCA organizations, particularly the NSW Branch of the Australian RSPCA who not only provided us with veterinary staff at no cost in the early days, but have also been instrumental in developing operational plans for the Clinic, and prioritising redevelopment and service expansion plans.

As we strive to improve the lot of animals, both owned and free on the streets, assets such as this machine help to attract veterinary surgeons from across the world. We seek practical and common sense vets who are prepared to live and work in PNG, gaining much experience from the environment and people and the different animals and diseases often very unlike those in their home countries.


NAQIA Animal Health to send info and more images for this page. Note that above is not true!!!


Edward ICT